Tid-bits and tangents from your friendly, neighborhood Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Hey there!
My name is Katherine Scott, and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I wanted to create a space that others can escape to and perhaps find a safe place to land to catch their breath. Or, perhaps gain insight into those pesky human vulnerabilities we struggle with behind closed doors. A place that invites those thought-provoking questions about mental health and wellness through the therapist, client, and human lens. I strive to have this platform target real-life issues couples, parents, little humans, and older humans face along their journeys. All the while, also shedding light on the perspective of a therapist, and what it’s like traveling along my journey serving in this role.
Please feel free to explore, ponder, provide feedback, or ask questions!
My name is Katherine Scott, and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I wanted to create a space that others can escape to and perhaps find a safe place to land to catch their breath. Or, perhaps gain insight into those pesky human vulnerabilities we struggle with behind closed doors. A place that invites those thought-provoking questions about mental health and wellness through the therapist, client, and human lens. I strive to have this platform target real-life issues couples, parents, little humans, and older humans face along their journeys. All the while, also shedding light on the perspective of a therapist, and what it’s like traveling along my journey serving in this role.
Please feel free to explore, ponder, provide feedback, or ask questions!
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Katherine received her BS degree in 2014 from the University Florida. She then worked as a Language Therapy Technician during her gap year, discovering her passion for being apart of others' journeys toward growth and healing. Shortly after, she completed her M.Ed/ Ed.S Master's degrees at the University of Florida in Marriage and Family Therapy. From there, this double Gator worked in community mental health for a short stent, before finding her calling at a private practice lovingly known as Puzzle Peace Counseling in NE Florida. |
Disclaimer: This website is not intended for mental health or medical treatment or advice. The information within this site is not a replacement for therapy or the therapeutic relationship that is included in a counseling relationship. The information included is not intended to replace medical advice. Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed if any communications are had between others and Katherine. Please do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you have read on this Website. Please do not start or stop taking any medications without speaking to your own Medical or Mental Health Provider. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health problem, contact your own Medical or Mental Health Provider promptly.
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